Monday 23 July 2012

The Benefits of Interior Design in Home Staging

If you currently have a house on the market, or are considering putting a property up for sale there are many small changes or additions to a home that are easy to undertake and have the potential to greatly increase the sale price. Spending several hundred or even a thousand dollars on Home Staging is extremely beneficial and will often return the investment several times over. New home buyers rely greatly on first impressions. Although they often deny it and attempt to push emotions aside, the way someone feels when entering a home for the first time often leaves a great influence on their overall opinion about the home, and is not easily altered. There are simple steps that you can take in your home staging process to make your house more appealing to buyers. First, consider enhancements to your home’s Interior design. If the paint is stained, old or cracking freshen it up with a new layer. Using trendy warm colours can also be beneficial to home staging, and make your house feel more welcoming. Look through an interior design magazine to get some ideas of design pieces you can add to your home to make it more appealing. Antiques and antique furniture are great options and will make any home look unique! In addition to Interior design, you can take steps to enhance the exterior of your house for home staging. Make sure that the grass is cut along with shrubs and hedges that are neatly trimmed before any viewings. Potted plants and flowers can add additional colour, enhancing your home’s exterior beauty. Consult your real estate agent for more tips on home staging and increasing the value of your house! With enhanced interior design, your home is sure to be a knockout on the market!